Saturday, December 17, 2011

Take Me Home

   This is the Final project for our studio in this semester.
   My project call "Take Me Home," I choose this title because of my song, which is the inspiration for my entire project. My song is called "Country Road" it is talking about a person who is in far away and want s to come back to home. So in this project, I chose the "contrast" which represent the cool and warm because I think far away means cool, and home means home, as my principle. Also, there is two more principle "Dominent" and "Movement," these two principles are also came from the song. First of all, the client of our design is a photographer with their family, and their parents. So they want two apartment at same floor. So this is one of the challenging part of our design.
   FIrst of all, the gallery in the main family's room shows my concept very strong. It is a very dominant because it is in the center of the room, it is also moving because of the form, and it is a "contrast" in the floor because most of wall is straight but it is curve so this create a very strong my concept idea. Also in the Grandparents room, I put the dominant fire place, and the moving kitchen. Moreover, the color using in my design creates the contrast between warm and cool. Mort of walls in this house is unpainted brick it represent warm and country, and 3 walls are black painted, these are the gallery's, grand parents' living, and the wall in grandparent's fire place, so these creates the very beautiful contrast.
Thus, all my design is followed my concept idea, and creates a very nice space for our clients.

VIsit professional during the Thanks Giving

During the Thanksgiving, I visited Bobbi Jean Wood who is an interior designer in Bernard | Wills Architects P, Spokane. She is a very good interior designer and their firm also very good. In this visit professionals, I brought my final project and try to get some ideas. First, I showed my plan to her, she thinks its not bad, but she want to see how the ADA works in my plan. And then, she told me we should think how people feel comfortable with your design. For example, the requirement for door wide is 36in, but it will be nice with 48in for wheel chair people. I think this is a very important things for interior designer. We need to concern how people feel, because we create the space for people.  

Job Shadowing

During the field trip to Seattle, we did the Job shadowing. I and Lue visited the interior only firm call Interior Architects (IA). Shannon who is the interior designer graduated from WSU tacked care of us when we visit IA. First things that we did for the job shadowing is, we talked with many interior designer and the manager in the IA. It is a very valuable experience for me. They told me we need to manage our time well, and how they separate work and make the work more efficiently. Moreover, after the taking with designers, we visit several place that they designed. All their design is very beautiful, all clients for these place they designed are very pleased with they design. Shannon told us, most of their project has not enough budget, so their design and furniture choose is not experience, somethings is from IKEA. However, these design is very nice, all stuff they used looks elegant. So, if we can use the cheap stuff well, it also can be a very good and important things for the interior.
This job shadowing gives me a valuable experience.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Habitat project

      In the September, we went the habitat for humanity to build the house. That day, firstly I did an electricity in the attic, it is my first time went into the attic. There are a lot of nails on the ceiling so it is scary. In this work, I learned how to organized electric wires, how to staple it on the ceiling. Then, I made a hole in the cement floor by using the automatic drill. Lastly, I did the sighting for the outer wall. It is really difficult. We need to use the horizontal measurement (?) to make sure the diagonal. Also, drove the nail for it is difficult. We need to drove it very accurate, if not the outer wall will break down.
Totally, I think it is very interesting experience. I learned many things from this project.

Wheel chair

For designing the ADA apartment, I experienced the wheel chair. It is harder than my thought. Firstly, I used it to get in the elevator, it is easy to get in, but really hard to come out. Then, I walked on the carpet, it is super heavy to move on the carpet. I also realize how hard to close the refrigerator and cabinet because you cannot reach the door in the place that you opened it. Moreover, I noticed the downhill is really dangerous because you cannot control the wheel chair at will. The hardest thing is the toilet. Some restrooms have the accessible toilet but they did not have the automatic door, so it let me really hard to get in. Also, after I got in, I totally have no idea to move from wheel chair to toilet. Therefore, I learned a lot thing from this experience, it give me a lot of idea to design the room.

Reveal Product Expo

In the September, I went the product expo in Spokane. There are so many interesting things such as new types of wall and floor materials, novel carpet, super comfortable furnitures.
Versacork by sustainable flooring is one of the flooring that I most interested in because we learned how the cork is good in class, and how different to install it. But, it is a really sustainable and durable flooring. In this company, you can choose any color you want for the cork flooring, and they also has many types of cork flooring, so I think it is really interesting.
Then, I saw there are many ADA designed sofa, which designed for commercial and hospital buildings. Wieland's sofa is one of the most interesting so that I saw. The sofa can swing, I know, there are a lot of sofa can swing, but the swing method for this sofa is different with others. It can swing very silently and smooth, so people can feel really comfortable. One more, Acclaim's sofa is also very interesting. The sofa can transform to 5 form. So, it can fit to most of the situation, so senior or accessible people can feel comfortable.
From this experience, I learned a lot of new things in the world. I hope I can see more interesting products in the next year's product expo.

Green House

I went Spoken's green house in this september, I found some very interesting parts from that. Firstly, I saw it has many and big windows around the wall. So it can create light without using electricity. In the third floor, the hall way's wall is made by glass so it can get the sunshine from the living room. And, the house has a small window int he bottom of the wall for flowing the air in the room, so the room can keep cool in the summer. It can save a lot of energy. Moreover, the green house is not just green house, it is also an ADA designed house, so the bathroom, kitchen, and all other rooms are accessible. Therefore, I think this is a very good experience for me to do the rest of my projects.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


In this project, we went Union town, WA for constructing house.
This day, I did the electrical cable setting, stabilize the floor, and sighting. There are a lot of stuffs that I leaned in this day. I leaned how to set up the table, how to use the screw and how to stick the wall. It is very interesting to learn a lot of things. I think this day gave a very good experience for the design!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Context Poster

     In this assignment, my group studied about the accessible universal residential design. The universal design is a very interesting topic also very useful for our next ID project.
     We found two case-study for our poster as an example, but it is very hard to find two example for the universal residential design because the most of universal design is for commercial or hospital building, and there are only a few universal residential design in our country. The universal residential design should no be very obviously for disability people, it should be looks like normal. And it is not especially for disability people, it also wants to be used by everyone from children to senior.
    For this poster, we used many specific examples and pictures for determine our viewpoint, but it included so many information, so the poster became very busy. Thus, we added the color block for separating the information so the poster became easy to look.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cover for sketch

These two are the cover for my sketch. I used paper cutouts to create it.

outside sketch

In this sketch, I drew micro view plant. I went outside, and looked these plants very close and clearly for drawing. Also, I used rule of third to show the color around the plants.

Value study using line

In this sketch, I focused on the value. In the top one, I only used the line weight to show the value change. in the bottom one, I used high contract method to draw it. Thus, you can see different type of value change in the room.

water color drawing

In this sketch, I used water color as my drawing item. It was fun to draw the water color drawing. You can create your own color, and also drew the color by your sense.

kitchen sketch

In this sketch, I tried to draw the kitchen staff with unexpected kitchen stuff with the perspective drawing. This was the one of my favorite drawing because I think this topic was really interesting, you also need arrange your models by yourself.

eraser skectch

In this sketch, I used the eraser to draw. First, I colored the background with value change, then I used eraser to create the shape of the leaf.

Negative sketch

In this sketch, I focused on the negative space for the space. This was the first time to draw the negative space. It was difficult to discuss the negative space because we could not see the negative space as well.

free hand trace

In this sketch, we more focused on the proportion, and tried to keep other things simple. It was the free hand trace, and it was really hard to determing the scale and proportion.

trace sketch

In this sketch we focused on the trace. We trace one to the trace paper, than trace it by free hand. It was hard to trace with free hand. I could not get the proportion really well for first two, but I improved in last 3.

one line sketch

This sketch is the first sketch in our class ID197. We need draw the staff by one line, and could not use eraser, so it was very difficult. However, I learned how important to draw the thing with one line. it can shows things clearly.

Inside sketch

In this sketch, we focused on the inside of the vegetables and fruits. The was a very interesting topic because I think really relate to interior design. I thought about how the inside was connected with the out side and many other things.

black paper sketch

In this sketch, we used the black paper to sketch. It was really hard to add color on it because the background was strong dark. However, I used many colors to cover it, so it became a beautiful drawing.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bench Process Poster

In this project, I tried to use InDesign for creating this poster. The poster shows my process for my Bench project for the ID102, so focused on the steps for creating the bench. The interesting part in my poster is the color. You can see two color on my poster, one is orange, another is light brown. These two colors are the color for my founding object. Thus, the poster represented the relationship with the graphic and my real bench process.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


After this assignment of creating resume, I learned how to put your information correctly for resume, and how to arrangement your information clearly for others. In this project, I mainly used Adobe InDesign because it can organize your entire paper very beautiful and clearly. I also used Adobe Photoshop for my Logo and the bamboo picture. Moreover, I used the techniques of changing size of letters, and high-lighted
the subtitle for more readable.

Monday, April 11, 2011

LOGO Design

 This is the Logo for myself. I made it with Adobe Illustrate, and I used the Wacom Tablet for creating this logo. In this logo, I represented my first name "KO". You can see the laid off "K" inside of the circle, and the circle means "O". Thus, I want to keep simple in my logo because I think "simple is the best", it could show your idea more clear, so I decided to use this logo as my own logo. Moreover, I used some skills and technique on this logo through Illustrator. I used Artistic Brush, symmetrical system, and auto-smooth system for my logo.

I love this logo!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chip Boad Wall

This is the Chipboad wall model. In this Model, I represented the moving on the inside ball. You can see, all the balls have different direction. Also, I used the unique arrangement for the boxes, so it shows the wall bigger, and you can see through the wall easily.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fruits Sketch

I sketched the fruit arrangement by my self. There were strawberries, banana and oranges. In this sketch, I missed the size of the paper and the pencil so this sketch became darker and fade.
In this sketch, I used the crosshatch and hatch to create the shadow and the color.

Chair Sketch

This is the sketch for my dorm chair. I was drawing this chair from many perspectives: top, side, bottom, back and front. Also, I described the chair proportionally by using the common line between two or three perspectives.

Napkin Sketch

This room plan sketch was drawn on a napkin. It is very hard to use pen to draw on a napkin because the ink will spread, and it is hard to control the color and line.
In this sketch, I made the mistake with the arrangement of the space and color use. Thus, I want to improve these two elements next time.

Mind Map

This sketch was drawing about my mind. I did not stop my drawing until I finished up so I only spent 10 minutes on it.
In this Mind Map, I thought about the relationship between design and my life, hobbies and my future.
The colors in there worked for the alignment, and those cute pictures worked to support my mind.

SAMURAI Textile Design

This textile design’s idea comes from Japanese culture. It has included some modern Japanese culture and the traditional Japanese culture, also the personal heritage. There are four elements in this textile. One is the central red circle and red line background. It is the idea from the Japanese ensign. The Samurai and Katana which are placed in the left-upper side and right-lower side, are the most popular objects that introduced the ancient Japanese culture. Moreover, the black texture is the Japanese personal heritage, and it is different for every family.
In this textile, those elements played the vertical, horizontal, and cross line. Also, there has dominant form for each block and is also well arranged for the block connection. All of the elements create the well relation with others.