Saturday, December 17, 2011

Job Shadowing

During the field trip to Seattle, we did the Job shadowing. I and Lue visited the interior only firm call Interior Architects (IA). Shannon who is the interior designer graduated from WSU tacked care of us when we visit IA. First things that we did for the job shadowing is, we talked with many interior designer and the manager in the IA. It is a very valuable experience for me. They told me we need to manage our time well, and how they separate work and make the work more efficiently. Moreover, after the taking with designers, we visit several place that they designed. All their design is very beautiful, all clients for these place they designed are very pleased with they design. Shannon told us, most of their project has not enough budget, so their design and furniture choose is not experience, somethings is from IKEA. However, these design is very nice, all stuff they used looks elegant. So, if we can use the cheap stuff well, it also can be a very good and important things for the interior.
This job shadowing gives me a valuable experience.

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