Thursday, May 2, 2013

Heritage Museum Project

          The Heritage Museum Project for Valley, WA is one of the most interested project that I did for my studio. Through this project, I learned many things such as the communication with the community, workshop, teamwork, the programing documents, and etc. 
          For this project, we renovated the little white school house in Vally to heritage museum. Even it is the heritage museum, we still hope our design can affect future of the Valley and not just preserve the history. Thus, we used old Valley history to create new elements and design. For instance, we used old rail road track and the Colvile river elements in our kind modern design, and we also focused on the Children informal learning by making the memorable outside play area.
          In my opinion, this project really trained myself a lot and improved my design skill. I hope we can have these kind community project for our further studio works.

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