Thursday, May 2, 2013

Heritage Museum Project

          The Heritage Museum Project for Valley, WA is one of the most interested project that I did for my studio. Through this project, I learned many things such as the communication with the community, workshop, teamwork, the programing documents, and etc. 
          For this project, we renovated the little white school house in Vally to heritage museum. Even it is the heritage museum, we still hope our design can affect future of the Valley and not just preserve the history. Thus, we used old Valley history to create new elements and design. For instance, we used old rail road track and the Colvile river elements in our kind modern design, and we also focused on the Children informal learning by making the memorable outside play area.
          In my opinion, this project really trained myself a lot and improved my design skill. I hope we can have these kind community project for our further studio works.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Webster Hall Geology Science Project

This project is about to redesign for the exhibition area of the Webster Hall at WSU. During the design process, we recognized many problems about the code issue and the interactive things, so we updated many times to reach the final. In this space, we are trying to make the space where people can relax and enjoy, so we decided to put the benches in center, and surrounded by interactive objects and showcase.
         The geology poster we made for the showcase, we are focused on the story and easy understanding, so the poster goes from big things such as earth to small things such as WSU. And, we also keep the poster as simple as we can, so every one can understand and enjoy it.
By the way, this is my first time to do the large teamwork for designing space, so it gives me very good experience to learn how to collaborate with other members, and what is my strength and weakness. After the project, I recognized that I am good to provide the idea and make the Revit drawings, but not that good to lead people to do something. Thus, I will try to train my self to be a good leader during the rest of my school life.