Monday, March 5, 2012

Context Poster

In this assignment, my case-study for the reuse building is Pullman depot. It was the oldest depot in Pullman, and it supported people's life in Pullman at that time very much. Most of foods and sources for people's life was carried by the train. However, through the times going, Pullman does not need the depot because the technologies improve, people can use track and airplane to carry stuff faster and easier.  
But, people in Pullman do not want to destroy their depot even it was useless, because it is the evident for Pullman's history, so it became the License department. The interesting part is, the License department still keep the feeling of the old depot, we can see the depot in the License department today. Therefore, in my next projects which is built the artist studio and residents in the depot, I want to keep the feeling of the old depot, but also a good space for the artist.

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