Friday, May 6, 2011

Cover for sketch

These two are the cover for my sketch. I used paper cutouts to create it.

outside sketch

In this sketch, I drew micro view plant. I went outside, and looked these plants very close and clearly for drawing. Also, I used rule of third to show the color around the plants.

Value study using line

In this sketch, I focused on the value. In the top one, I only used the line weight to show the value change. in the bottom one, I used high contract method to draw it. Thus, you can see different type of value change in the room.

water color drawing

In this sketch, I used water color as my drawing item. It was fun to draw the water color drawing. You can create your own color, and also drew the color by your sense.

kitchen sketch

In this sketch, I tried to draw the kitchen staff with unexpected kitchen stuff with the perspective drawing. This was the one of my favorite drawing because I think this topic was really interesting, you also need arrange your models by yourself.

eraser skectch

In this sketch, I used the eraser to draw. First, I colored the background with value change, then I used eraser to create the shape of the leaf.

Negative sketch

In this sketch, I focused on the negative space for the space. This was the first time to draw the negative space. It was difficult to discuss the negative space because we could not see the negative space as well.

free hand trace

In this sketch, we more focused on the proportion, and tried to keep other things simple. It was the free hand trace, and it was really hard to determing the scale and proportion.

trace sketch

In this sketch we focused on the trace. We trace one to the trace paper, than trace it by free hand. It was hard to trace with free hand. I could not get the proportion really well for first two, but I improved in last 3.

one line sketch

This sketch is the first sketch in our class ID197. We need draw the staff by one line, and could not use eraser, so it was very difficult. However, I learned how important to draw the thing with one line. it can shows things clearly.

Inside sketch

In this sketch, we focused on the inside of the vegetables and fruits. The was a very interesting topic because I think really relate to interior design. I thought about how the inside was connected with the out side and many other things.

black paper sketch

In this sketch, we used the black paper to sketch. It was really hard to add color on it because the background was strong dark. However, I used many colors to cover it, so it became a beautiful drawing.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bench Process Poster

In this project, I tried to use InDesign for creating this poster. The poster shows my process for my Bench project for the ID102, so focused on the steps for creating the bench. The interesting part in my poster is the color. You can see two color on my poster, one is orange, another is light brown. These two colors are the color for my founding object. Thus, the poster represented the relationship with the graphic and my real bench process.